Dolphin Bay Property, Bocas del Toro, Panama, April 2008
We are so excited! Not sure what we will eventually call the property but for now, we're just calling it Landfall Hill. Here are some pictures we took the day we looked at the property. The sequence is standing on top of the hill, looking first to the left (west) and then more or less moving around to the north, east and south in a clockwise circle. Much of the property is very steep, and when surveyed, will be marked off to encompass one hectare, or 2.5 acres. We'll take some pictures of the waterfront next time we're down there.
The sellers, Judy and Tobe Green, live on the property to the west. Their water catching system can be seen on top of their hill. Tobe was actually born on the property. Their house is built at the bottom of the hill, very close to the water. They also own many hectares behind the property they are selling, and they have cows, horses, chickens, turkeys, and grow a wide variety of plants and fruits and vegetables.

Below is the logical building site for the main house. Great breezes and views. That's Carl and Mary's sailboat Camryka at anchor in the bay. Soon, Landfall will be joining her!

There are lemon, lime, orange, coconut and mango trees on the lower part of the property nearer the waterfront.
This view looks toward Carl and Mary's, our neighbors on the east side of the property. They bought their hectare from Judy and Tobe a little over a year ago, and are just finishing building their house, Casa Qué Será.

You can see Mary and Carl's fence on their property line, to keep out the cows.

Looking toward the back of the property, Mary and Carl's fence on the left.

Butterfly bushes in the foreground, a steep hill down to a seasonal creek, and the right rear of the property in the background.

We will definitely have to do some terracing and make a lot of switchback trails! We also have access to the trail that leads over to Shark Hole village, so we will be able to keep up our walking routine.

This is the lemon tree on the top of the hill that we jokingly say we will pick fruit off of from the kitchen window.

More photos to come.